YA Deals 2011-2012, Part II

Yesterday it occurred to me that I have been missing a golden opportunity. For over a YEAR, I could have been signing my name as Kate cHart. cHART? CHart?

Okay, maybe not that great an idea. But anyway! Yesterday we looked at YA deals by the dollars; today we're looking at their size, as in single book versus trilogy. Not much has changed in the overall numbers compared to

last year


But who's getting those multiple book deals has shifted. 

It's really confusing visually to compare that chart with

last year

's, so I calculated the differences below. Most notably, paranormal is moving to single book deals, probably because of the trilogy fatigue we've seen discussed around the web; dystopian seems to be following suit.

However, sci fi is killing it, and contemporary is moving from single titles to multiple book deals-- I didn't keep stats, but they seemed to be mostly for unrelated and/or companion books, or for established series.

Here's a better look at how each type of sale broke down along genre lines. Note that those four+ deals in paranormal were all for established series and/or Amanda Hocking. (That claim is based purely on my memory of scanning 400+ deal blurbs, but I'm 95% sure it's true.)

I have one more chart post for tomorrow, where I'll show you the trends I noticed in historicals, retellings, paranormal, and more. Suggestions for other charts? Leave them in the comments!

eta: Don't miss parts





Same disclaimers as yesterday:

  1. Math. I hates it. It hates me. Please exercise caution when trusting my computational abilities..

  2. All figures were taken from Publisher's Marketplace deal reporting. I didn't download any statistics from their website- I counted the deals (not individual books) manually and assigned my own categories when necessary. Special thanks to Phoebe North and Kristin Halbrook for helping me categorize titles; a few errors are likely and are totally mine.

  3. These charts are not a full representation of YA publishing, because some agents and editors choose not to list deals in Publisher's Marketplace, nor have I included any foreign sales.

  4. Dystopian includes apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic.

  5. These books sold in the past year, but your local bookstore shelves won't reflect these numbers until at least winter 2012, at the earliest. See Carrie Ryan's post for more information on YA deal time frames.