BOOk Pumpkins! 2015

It's terrible! It's terrifying! It's... teens reading!

Hart family pumpkins 2015

Once again, it's Halloween, and I'm bringing you your favorite YA books in pumpkin pattern form. We have all the usual torments available:

Monstrous Magical Realism

A FIERCE AND SUBTLE POISON by Samantha Mabry; BONE GAP by Laura Ruby; THE WEIGHT OF FEATHERS by Anna-Marie McLemore; THE SUMMER OF THE MARIPOSAS by Guadalupe Garcia McCall

Ghastly Ghost Stories

DAUGHTERS UNTO DEVILS by Amy Lukavics; DEAD AIR by Michelle Schusterman; ROCKS FALL, EVERYONE DIES by Lindsay Ribar; SHUTTER by Courtney Alameda; SLASHER GIRLS AND MONSTER BOYS by April Genevieve Tucholke et al

Horrifying History

BLACKHEARTS by Nicole Castroman; VENGEANCE ROAD by Erin Bowman; FLIGHT by Sherman Alexie

Scary Sci Fi

BLEEDING EARTH by Kaitlin Ward; FALLOUT by Gwenda Bond; the MILA 2.0 series by Debra Driza; ON THE EDGE OF GONE by Corinne Duyvis

Frightening Fantasy

CARRY ON by Rainbow Rowell; THE WOLF WILDER by Katherine Rundell

And of course, nothing's scary than...

Real Life

ALL AMERICAN BOYS by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely; CONVICTION by Kelly Loy Gilbert; ALL WE HAVE IS NOW by Lisa Schroeder; MARE'S WAR by Tanita S. Davis; DELICATE MONSTERS by Stephanie Kuehn; DUMPLIN' by Julie Murphy; GLORY O'BRIEN'S HISTORY OF THE FUTURE by A. S. King; 


Courtney Summers's ALL THE RAGE was one of my favorite books of the year, but the cover just will not work for a pumpkin pattern.
So I did her favorite werewolf instead.


Don't see your favorite? 

Check the pumpkin index for patterns from the past four years!

How to use these patterns: 

1. Click the image to expand, then right click and save to your computer.

2. Print at whatever size fits your pumpkin, then pin the pattern to it.

3. Use a toothpick or pushpin to poke holes around the edges of the design (more holes = easier to see the lines).

4. Remove the pattern and rub flour over the holes to make them show up better.

5. Cut out the white sections. (If you'd rather print the inverse and save ink, click here to download white background patterns.)

6. Take a picture and link or tweet it to YA Highway to win a scary book pack!

Fine print:

Please do not sell or distribute these patterns. I own zero rights to the source images. These patterns are intended for fun only. In other words, I'm not making money off of these, nor am I responsible for any pumpkin-related injuries, to you or your melon.

Happy Halloween!