YA Authors You Should Follow on Instagram

Of all the social networks I frequent, Instagram is by far my favorite. It makes me search for overlooked beauty in my everyday life, and I like the window it provides into other people's worlds -- a curated peek, obviously, but still insight into what they consider noteworthy. And since authors are all about seeing stories through multiple points of view, it's no surprise that some are particularly gifted at finding different visual perspectives, too.

Of course taking an artistic approach isn't necessary for a great feed, but below I've collected 15 authors who update regularly with a photographer's eye. I couldn't feature everyone I love, but if I missed your favorite, let me know in the comments! (And if you'd like to see a more comprehensive list of YA authors on the 'gram, check out this page at YA Highway.)

Caryn Caldwell

gorgeous Southwest landscapes and closeups


Adriana Mather 

spooky, super saturated scenes


Tahereh Mafi

international travel, wicked fashion, and impeccable color curation.

(her husband Ransom Riggs is no slouch either)


Ally Condie

beautiful scenery and an adorable family


Sarah McCarry

goth girl outlooks


Bridgid Gallagher

nature, books, food, and food and books in nature


Amy Zhang

city, campus, and crew


Katie Coyle

landscapes and life


emily danforth

New England scenery and ongoing #HomoReno(vation)


Jessi Kirby

all-seasons beach pics and some cute kids


Melissa Sarno

skies, trees, and beauty in Brooklyn


Kirsten Hubbard

California coasts, Black Rock City, Skyball, original artwork, and her lovely face


Tracey Neithercott

interesting angles and book love


Erin Bowman

graphic designer behind the camera


bonus! some non-writer publishing-related feeds to follow:

Fangirl and all-around amazing Alice runs the lovely Girl On The Roam feed.


Australian book reviewer Reynje takes some of the most gorgeous damn pictures in the world.


Publicist Mitali Dave is photoblogging her way through the year.


No surprise that Epic Reads maven Margot Wood has a great feed, since she's also The Real Fauxtographer.


Editorial assistant Jeremy West's designer side shows.


Assistant editor Rachel Stark has blue hair and a lot of fun.


and in shameless self-promotion, here's mine


*I'm 99.9% sure that all these accounts are public, but if you'd like to be removed from this list, please let me know.